Best Top 30 Guest Post Sites with Do-Follow Backlinks

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, securing high-quality backlinks is akin to striking gold. Guest posting emerges as a potent strategy, offering the dual benefit of amplifying your brand’s reach and garnering valuable do-follow backlinks. To navigate this virtual terrain, here’s a curated list of the best guest post sites that promise not just exposure but the coveted do-follow link juice.

  1. HubSpot: Renowned for its authoritative content on marketing, sales, and customer service, HubSpot opens its doors to guest post contributors. A well-crafted piece here not only showcases your expertise but also earns you a powerful do-follow link.
  2. Moz: As a hub for SEO enthusiasts, Moz welcomes guest contributors to share insights and expertise. Contributing here not only establishes you as an industry expert but also grants you a do-follow backlink, bolstering your site’s SEO profile.
  3. Forbes: Elevate your thought leadership game by contributing to Forbes. While the editorial standards are high, the reward is a do-follow link from one of the most reputable sites on the internet.
  4. Entrepreneur: Catering to the entrepreneurial spirit, is a sought-after platform for guest contributors. Contribute valuable insights, and you’ll find yourself not only reaching a vast audience but also securing a do-follow link.
  5. Smashing Magazine: For those in the web development and design sphere, Smashing Magazine is a beacon. Contribute a well-researched piece, and you’ll be rewarded with a do-follow link, enhancing your site’s credibility in the digital design realm.
  1. Inc. Magazine: For those immersed in the business world, contributing to Inc. Magazine is a strategic move. Share your entrepreneurial insights, and if your piece resonates with the editorial team, you’ll be rewarded with a valuable do-follow link.
  2. Search Engine Journal: As the name suggests, this platform is a haven for SEO professionals and digital marketers. Contribute your expertise, and not only will you enrich the industry discourse, but you’ll also earn a do-follow link to boost your site’s search engine rankings.
  3. Copyblogger: If your forte lies in content marketing and copywriting, Copyblogger is the ideal stage for your guest post. Craft compelling content, and you’ll not only captivate readers but also secure a do-follow link to enhance your site’s authority.
  4. Social Media Today: In the age of social connectivity, Social Media Today stands as a prominent platform. Share your social media insights, and in return, receive a do-follow link that contributes to your site’s overall SEO strategy.
  5. The Huffington Post: Despite its recent rebranding as HuffPost, this platform remains a heavyweight in the digital publishing realm. While gaining approval for guest posts may be competitive, the reward of a do-follow link from such a high-profile site is well worth the effort.
  1. Fast Company: Fast Company is a go-to destination for innovative thinkers and business leaders. Contribute your cutting-edge ideas, and if accepted, your guest post will not only be showcased to a global audience but will also come with the coveted do-follow backlink.
  2. Search Engine Watch: As the digital marketing landscape constantly evolves, Search Engine Watch remains a beacon for staying abreast of industry trends. Share your insights into the ever-changing world of SEO and digital advertising, and you’ll be rewarded with a do-follow link to bolster your site’s authority.
  3. The Guardian: While The Guardian is a reputable news source, it also invites expert opinions through guest contributions. If your expertise aligns with current affairs, sharing your insights here can earn you both exposure and a valuable do-follow backlink.
  4. Adobe Blog: For those immersed in the creative and design realms, the Adobe Blog is a prestigious platform. Share your expertise in design, photography, or multimedia, and in return, receive a do-follow link that adds weight to your site’s credibility.
  5. MarketingProfs: As the name implies, MarketingProfs is a haven for marketing professionals seeking to hone their skills. Contribute actionable insights and strategies, and you’ll not only position yourself as an industry expert but also secure a do-follow link for your efforts.
  1. The Verge: The Verge, known for its tech and culture coverage, opens its doors to guest contributors who can offer unique perspectives on the intersection of technology and society. A well-crafted piece here not only captures the attention of tech enthusiasts but also comes with the reward of a do-follow link.
  2. Forrester Blog: Targeting a more B2B audience, Forrester’s blog is a platform for industry leaders and experts. Contribute your insights into business strategies, technology trends, or market analysis, and earn not only credibility but also a valuable do-follow link.
  3. Healthline: If your expertise lies in the health and wellness domain, Healthline provides an excellent platform to share your knowledge. Whether it’s fitness tips, mental health insights, or nutrition advice, contributing here can earn you a do-follow link while making a positive impact on readers’ lives.
  4. TechCrunch: As a go-to source for tech news and analysis, TechCrunch attracts a global audience of tech enthusiasts and industry professionals. Contribute your thoughts on the latest tech trends, startup culture, or innovation, and gain a do-follow link to boost your site’s authority in the tech space.
  5. Psychology Today: For those well-versed in psychology and mental health, Psychology Today offers a platform to share valuable insights. Contribute thought-provoking content, and in return, receive a do-follow link that not only enhances your site’s SEO but also establishes you as a trusted voice in the field.
  1. National Geographic Traveler: If your passion lies in exploring the world and sharing travel experiences, National Geographic Traveler is the perfect platform. Contribute captivating travel narratives or insightful guides, and your efforts will be rewarded with a do-follow link, allowing your adventures to reach a broader audience.
  2. Econsultancy: Positioned as a leading source for digital marketing and e-commerce insights, Econsultancy welcomes guest contributors who can provide actionable strategies and trends. Your contribution here not only positions you as an authority but also secures a do-follow link for your digital marketing endeavors.
  3. Wired: Wired, a hub for all things tech, science, and culture, invites thought leaders to contribute their perspectives. Share your insights on emerging technologies, scientific breakthroughs, or cultural shifts, and gain a do-follow link to amplify your voice in the digital conversation.
  4. Harvard Business Review: Renowned for its in-depth analysis and thought leadership in business and management, Harvard Business Review offers a platform for guest contributors. Contribute strategic insights and best practices, and earn a do-follow link that adds prestige to your site within the business community.
  5. A List Apart: Targeting web professionals and designers, A List Apart is a platform that values insightful content on web design and development. Share your expertise in the ever-evolving digital design landscape and receive a do-follow link that enhances your site’s credibility in the design community.
  6. Science Magazine: For those entrenched in scientific research and breakthroughs, contributing to Science Magazine provides a prestigious platform. Share your findings or perspectives on scientific advancements, and in return, receive a do-follow link that elevates your site’s authority in the scientific community.
  7. UX Design: A platform dedicated to user experience (UX) design, UX Design offers an opportunity for designers to showcase their expertise. Contribute articles on design principles, usability, or industry trends, and secure a do-follow link that aligns your site with excellence in UX.
  8. Digital Trends: Covering the latest in consumer electronics, gaming, and tech lifestyle, Digital Trends is a go-to source for tech enthusiasts. Contribute your insights on gadget reviews, industry trends, or tech innovations, and earn a do-follow link that enhances your site’s relevance in the tech space.
  9. The New York Times Opinion Section: If you have strong opinions and insights on current affairs, culture, or societal issues, The New York Times Opinion Section is a prestigious platform. Contribute thought-provoking pieces, and if accepted, receive a do-follow link that solidifies your voice in the public discourse.
  10. World Economic Forum Blog: For those engaged in discussions around global issues and economic trends, contributing to the World Economic Forum Blog is a significant opportunity. Share your perspectives on international affairs or economic strategies, and earn a do-follow link that connects your site with global thought leadership.

Remember, the art of guest posting extends beyond securing backlinks. It’s about creating a meaningful connection with the audience of each platform and providing value that resonates. By consistently delivering quality content, you’ll not only enhance your site’s SEO but also establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry

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